Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Facebook Reunites Sisters Tanija Delic And Hedija Talic In Bosnia After 72 Years Apart

This article was written by Sarah Gates from Huffington Post. Read the original article here.

Two sisters from Bosnia, 88-year-old Tanija Delic and Hedija Talic, 82, found each other after spending 72 years apart.
Facebook reunited the sisters who were separated from each other in 1941 during World War II, daily newspaper Nezavisne Novine reported, according to the AFP.
The family was fleeing their hometown of Budimlic Japra in northwestern Bosnia at the time, when then 11-year-old Talic became lost and was taken in by an orphanage.
It wasn't until decades later, when Talic's son began searching for his family roots online, that she became close to finding the location of her long-lost older sister -- someone who, as it turns out, was living about 130 miles away, NDJ World News notes.
While they're happy to have found each other, Talic and Delic are planning tocontinue their search for family members, hoping to locate their brother, who may be in the United States, the AFP reports.
This is hardly the first time Facebook has reunited family members. In July, a Florida woman, Joan Courchene Wehrmeyer, used Facebook to reconnect with her daughter, who she had not seen in 48 years.

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