Thursday, January 24, 2013

Internet: Bane or Boon?

The article entitled, “Negative Effects of Internet Usage” provided us an insightful and broad approach on the negative effects of the Internet. The article first provides us the reason as to why the Internet is so addicting. It is because of the knowledge and freedom it offers instantly with just a click of a button. These things that the Internet easily provides could be abused and thus in turn, produce negative effects on the individual and the society in whole. The internet, though ironically should be a tool for communication, has led people to ignore important face to face social interaction with others. Because the Internet could let you live your life online where you could get an education, earn money, procure needs while never leaving the comfort of your home, people no longer see the need to interact with others socially and personally. The accessibility of information on the internet also makes people lazy as tasks or searches that would take hours or days to complete can be completed in less than a second. Can you imagine accessing a study from another country without the internet? Since the internet has evolved from a communication tool into another separate society-like place, the rules of our society become blurred and vague in the context of the internet. New crimes emerge because of the internet. Also, old crimes that could not be punished because of the unique circumstances that the internet introduces could not be properly served justice. Lastly, the internet encourages hate because of the anonymity it provides. Since a user is not really facing a real person but a computer screen, it allows a person to say or do things he or she normally couldn’t do if faced with a real person. This encourages hate crimes online. The article then ended nicely with the request to the reader that we must not only glorify the Internet and the benefits it has given us but also be aware of the negativities that comes with its benefits.

Personally, I agree with the thought that we must not be ignorant of the harmful effects of the internet. We must be aware in order to solve the problem. Like they say, admitting you have a problem is the first step in solving that problem. I do think that if let run rampant, this would change not only the society but also the world as we know it. However, I don’t think that the blame lies solely on the internet and it would be silly to blame the internet. The thing is, internet is a tool. A tool designed to make our lives easier. The negative effects of the internet are not something that is inherent in it. The internet was not created with those purposes in mind. I believe that the negative effects of the internet arose because of people who abused and exploited the qualities of the internet. We are human beings capable of higher thinking and morality. Even if there is something that allows us to get away with things that we normally couldn’t, we shouldn’t do it. I think it is very escapist to blame a thing that is not even capable of thinking for itself. For example, if suddenly murder is not illegal, would you do it? Well, you should still not. It is the same with the internet. Even if you can get away with insulting people or committing a crime, you should not do it. The negative effects of the internet are not a reflection of how bad the internet is. Rather, it is a reflection of how we are as human beings.

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