Saturday, January 26, 2013

How The Internet Saved Entertainment

It is without a doubt that the internet has changed numerous aspects of our lives and our society. One of those is the entertainment industry. Many believes that the internet has changed the entertainment industry in that it has put pressure to artists/creators to put out material that is good and well-made. How so? For instance, let's look at the film industry. Before the internet, most people would base whether they will go watch a movie on trailers, marketing moves, and the cast of the movie. Usually, people would only realise that a movie is not worth seeing until they have already entered the cinema and is now watching the movie. In the past, stars like Nicolas Cage starring in a movie would already mean that the movie would be a commercial success but nowadays it is not. This is because the internet has allowed such fast exchange of information to reach a big number of people. Nowadays, reviews are made really fast. You can even make a 140-character review of a movie even before you have stepped outside the cinema. Because of this, people are now able to discern whether a movie is worth seeing or not. Because of the internet, the power has shifted from the creators and distributors to the audience. The internet has enabled and empowered people to have some sort of quality control. In the age of the internet, the audience has now the power.

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